Thursday, January 7, 2016

Evolution thy name is life

Dear Now Me,

It has been three years since I last posted in this blog. The world has changed since then. My world and the world outside. How has the outside world made an impact on mine? Let's see... The Supreme Court has ordered that there is no need to put father's name on a child's birth certificate or passport. Although rape laws still are ancient, recently a juvenile was freed after being 'reformed' after he committed the most heinous rape of the century. The sex ratio in India has hit an all time low. So, as a woman I continue to be the third citizen, after cow and man. There is the iPhone 6s, waiting for 7 now, although I secretly miss Nokia. The GST Bill is being talked about again, although in hushed tones. The new party is in power, who protest if you eat beef, or anything they don't approve of. Booze has been banned in Kerala, I wonder, why not in Delhi and NCR? We have a new PM, who is trying to put India on the international map by travelling a lot. FB is trying to appear socialistic while hiding its true capitalist intentions in the garb of 'Free Basics'/ SRK and Kajol paired for a new movie, so basically, its the 90's on screen with those gooey feeling of watching DDLJ, making me feel young again. Madhuri and Aishwarya has been repalced by Priyanka and Deepika on screen, singing, dancing and pining for the same man they both love and share. Patriarchy rules! yeahi... I wonder if we will ever have two men singing and dancing celebrating their love for the same woman they love and share without calling her 'you-know-what'...

Sexual harassment and the overall unsafe environment in Delhi led me to migrate to Mumbai, but Delhi always remains in my heart in the same cliched way, it is my hometown. It's like a relationship that is toxic and you want to get over it so you look for a rebound, then love struck and you fall in love with the rebound for life. Mumbai had welcomed me with open arms four years ago, it continues to nurture me in its bosom, for which I am eternally grateful. Yet you keep stalking that toxicity by getting follow up news about the city you left behind. I have grown as a person. Becoming a parent teaches you so much. With the child you grow yourself.